protect now


Operate sustainably by delivering world-class, end-to-end performance in safety, resource efficiency and environmental protection

Operating our labs, offices and manufacturing sites sustainably is mandatory for doing business in our resource constrained world. We uphold the long-standing core values on which DuPont was founded by living our commitment to safeguard our workforce and the environment, especially in our local communities.


Our goals:


Acting on climate
Acting on climate:
Reduce Green House Gas (GHGs) emissions 30% including sourcing 60% of electricity from renewable energy. 
Deliver carbon neutral operations by 2050.
Water stewardship
Leading water stewardship:
Implement holistic water strategies across all facilities prioritizing manufacturing plants and communities in high-risk watersheds.

Enable millions of people access to clean water through leadership in advancing water technology and enacting strategic partnerships.
Deliver world-class environmental health and safety (EHS) performance
Delivering world-class environmental health and safety (EHS) performance:

Further our commitment to zero injuries, occupational illnesses, incidents, waste and emissions.

“We remain committed to the protection of our people and planet and will collaborate across our value chains to advance sustainable operations.”

Daryl Roberts, Chief Operations & Engineering Officer, DuPont

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Operating sustainably goes beyond optimizing our own footprint. We partner with suppliers, customers and other businesses to reduce environmental impacts across the value chain.


How our solutions are contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals:


More in Sustainability



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