
Chestnut Run Plaza and the Experimental Station are open and operating normally.

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Inclement Weather Tips

  • Stay updated on the weather. 
  • Wear appropriate winter footwear that is well-insulated, waterproof, has a nonslip, thick sole and a wide, low heel.  
  • Take time preparing yourself for snow removal activities. Use caution to and from work.   
  • Use primary roads on your commute.  The conditions of secondary roads and city streets may not have been treated.
  • Step down, not out. When getting out of your car, swing both legs out of the door, place both feet on the ground, flat-footed and grab onto the door frame or steering wheel to support you as you stand up. Use at least three points of contact, two feet and one hand.
  • Use main walkways versus secondary walkways which may not be cleared.
  • Test your travel path for slickness by sliding your shoe or boot on it before proceeding. 
  • Upon entering your building, shake off any snow/water onto door mats.  Building entryways may be wet due to personnel traffic.

Each person is responsible for their own safety and knows if travel to and from their work site is prudent based on their personal situation.  Personnel should discuss options with their leadership if they feel the need to adjust their work schedule.

Helpful Links

Please report unsafe conditions on-site

Chestnut Run Plaza

FACT (during business hours)


7 am to 4 pm M-F

Chestnut Run Plaza

Security (off hours)


Experimental Station



For emergency or quick action needs, ice melt products are available for your use at each building entrance.



Important reminders for ESL residents

At the Experimental Station “site closed” or “delayed opening” statements mean that site residents should not arrive at the site until the designated/communicated opening time.

During these situations, access to the site will be managed, depending on the reason for the adjustment in schedule, access may not be permitted:

  • Pre-designated, essential services personnel are granted access to safely clear the Site for opening and to restore normal operations.
  • Pre-established business-critical access is granted to identified essential personnel to maintain business-critical operations or to shut down operations.
  • Personnel arriving on-site are required to badge in. Personnel may be required to sign in and provide additional information.
  • Personnel should not expect to arrive on-site during a closure or delayed opening and initiate normal operations as the site is not operating under normal conditions.

For “Early Closings” all site residents must make safe their operations and leave the site as soon as it is practical to do so.  Essential personnel or other personnel remaining on-site past the announced closure time may be asked to contact Security.

Residents who leave personal vehicles on-site overnight or for extended periods of time do so at their own risk and are required to inform Security.

During inclement weather events, crews and equipment are actively addressing site conditions and a personal vehicle could impede this work.  Residents should think about the vehicle location and consider relocating to Parking Lot #1 behind Building 356.  Unidentified personal vehicles, left on-site for an extended period which disrupt work activities, may be towed at the owner’s expense.