Display Assembly Materials


Display Assembly Materials

A Proven History in Display Assembly

DuPont has a proven portfolio of display assembly materials for sealing, adhering, protecting or connecting components in a display.

While these display assembly materials are currently used mainly for making rigid displays, the flexibility of these products makes them well suited for future use in flexible displays.

With this versatility, our high-performance materials can turn up in almost any end product that uses a display. This includes not only smartphones, televisions, computer monitors and other consumer-oriented devices, but also displays that are integrated into applications for the industrial, medical and automotive markets.

If you are looking for high-quality, long-lasting materials for display assemblies that exhibit strong innovation and know-how, look no further than DuPont’s materials in this space.

Application examples

ITO* Protection

* Indium tin oxide – often used to make transparent conductive coatings for displays

FPC* Bonding

* Flexible printed circuit

Gap Filler


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